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In this blog, I will show you all the fun crafts I work on during my free time. All patterns, information, and ideas are available to the public for use for free. If you feature any of my crafts on your own site, please link to this blog. Please feel free to leave comments, and explore my other blogs, featured on the right-hand side of this page.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Half-Hour Steampunk Bracelet

Hi everyone! I've been busy, tinkering and toying around. I have been meaning to post the pattern for the beret I just made for the coming winter, but I haven't been around my computer much!
Today, I finally got my hands on my very first roll of Washi tape. And it was a steampunk one, with cogs all over. Yaaay!
That said, I really love steampunk stuff. Cogs, machinery in general, browns, brass, and the fashion. Oh, the fashion. I could go on.
But I'm also poor. Like, really too poor to be very steampunky. So I try to add some notes to my wardrobe that have that motif. My latest venture was this bracelet.
Really, it takes about five minutes to make, but then I let the super glue set for about twenty-five, hence the "Half-Hour" notation. But it's super quick, super easy, and is the perfect last minute addition to an outfit, steampunk or not.

1 wide bracelet of your choice. I used a plain pleather bracelet I had use for something else that unfortunately (or fortunately!) come apart.
Washi tape
Charms, beads, or other notions. My local JoAnns had these cogs by Blue Moon in the jewelry notions section.
Super glue
Xacto knife, or other sharp tool.

Lay a strip of Washi tape on bracelet, trying to make sure an equal amount of space is left between the tape and bracelet edge on both sides, all the way down. Cut excess corners of tape.
Secure tape by rubbing out any bubbles or imperfections.
Arrange notions on bracelet as you want them to appear, and when you have the pattern just right, carefully use super glue to attach them to the bracelet.
Lay weights (or something heavy) onto notions and all them to set for about 25 minutes or longer, if desired.
Using Xacto knife, cut out holes of bracelet through the Washi tape.
Cut excess length of bracelet, if desired.
Wear with something fabulous.

My middle charm is actually two cogs layered together using super glue. I really like how it adds a little extra oommph! to the bracelet!
My bracelet was already die-cut and ready to wear when I purchased it, so I didn't have to use any intense hardware. This is part of what makes it a super simple project -- I didn't have to punch the holes or anything!
A lot can be done thematically with this type of bracelet. You can also get some scrapbooking notions (the kind that aren't stickers) and add those to a bracelet like this.
Beads could also be used with a bracelet like this. You could string them on pins or embroidery floss and punch them through the bracelet. Really, the possibilities are endless to turn a simple and plain bracelet into something uniquely you!

Thanks for reading! I hope this super easy "pattern" has given you some fun ideas for making your own bracelet at home!
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below.
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